Long Tentacle Anemone hiding


:confused: my Long Tentacle Anemone is hiding under a rock in the back of the tank and not eating I got him Friday I do know the answer to my Q?? But here it go's can I help it out or not.


Active Member
just let him be, he will go where he wants to until he finds a good spot to his liking. don't panic.... give it some time.


How long have you had the anemone? Whats your lighting and water parameters like? If everything else is ok then I would leave him where he is. However, its good that you can atleast get a view of him, just in case you need to remove him in case of any eventualities.


How do I know if it is kicking the bucket and if it is will it put off anything that could hurt my other fish. When should I pull it out of the tank.


He is still hiding under a rock. My lights that I have are PC 2 96watt Daylight 10k and 2 96 watt Actinic 6700 is enough light for it. When should I move the rock. Thank you for all the help you can give me.


Active Member
if he is dying, he will be expelling his insides.... and seem to be shrivled up. also if you bring the anemone to the top of the tank and give it a smell test (horrible smell being a sign of death) that will help you too.
as far as giving off pollutants...i've heard mixed things. but IMO they would give off nothing good. considering dying organisms decompose which may restart your cycle... don't quote, just my opinion.


So far he looks alright still can't tell if he is eating or not I think he is droping the food behind the rock I still try to feed him. I'm feeding him shrimp right now I will get some fish tomorrow at the LFS see if he likes that or not.


I'm haveing the same trouble with my anemone. It has been over a week since my LTA has eaten and he is tucked WAY in the back of my 75 in the center and I have about 125# of LR. Almost impossible to feed him with out moveing my LR which I refuse to do. Will he venture out for food when he gets hungry or can they go for awhile with out food? I have heard that they eat like every 3-4 days. Water is fine as of last night and he is getting zero light where he is now. I have 2 175w 15k MH with 2 atinic VHO. How is he surviveing with no light?
Sry about asking on your thread it just caught my eye.


I dont know why they do it. It is driving me crazy. I put him in a great spot and it seems to wedge it self in a dark spot between rocks. I moved the rocks to get it out once, but its on its own now. Can they get stuck?


they will move wherever they feel most comfortable, so if its hiding in a dark spot then leave it there. I wouldnt worry about it being in the dark as long as you have enough light on the tank. I know its tempting to move it to where you can see it better, but as soon as you do, it will most likely move back to its same old spot. (<--speaking from experience :) ) Mine eats well on silversides. If your anem is tucked way under a rock, try to feed it by sticking a half of a fish on a skewer or something so that you can reach it.
Good Luck


My problem is that I cannt feed it. Even if I use some type of tool. Mine is like right in the middle but clear to the back of the tank. 125 # of LR and I have a ton of caves but he likes this one spot and I can only see if if I look in the middle and the bottom of the tank looking up. My LTA hasn't eaten in like 12 days now. He looks weak from his tenticals like half way out. I tried turning off the pumps (PH( on the back side of the tank for a few hrs but he is still there. I know mine is not stuck cause I can see his foot an all.