long tentacle anemone...


Active Member
today we purchased a long tentacle anemone...i don't know if the flow in my tank is too strong but he isn't latchign down anywhere...he is just kind of floating around in circles...should i turn the water flow off in my tank until he can find a spot to settle?


i cant get mine to stay still either but they are notorious for being roaming gnomes


Active Member
yeah turn off the flow real quick. once he's attached, turn it back on. Then he'll move until he finds a spot with the right amount of flow.


Active Member
right now i have a net handle resting on him trying to get him to latch down...what if i take the net off will he just float around in circles and die?


Chadman, mine did this too at first. I don't think it's gonna be a prob for you. He is probably just finding his way. He'll settle down eventually-most likely in the last place you want him too. Mine attach and detach and then roam around for a day or so before attaching to something else. Hope it all works out.


Active Member
i put him in the sand...andnothing...he has like a three or four inch tall base which stays sturdy...he looks healthy...


Probably still in shock from being moved around and into his new home. He will eventually stay put, just turn off the powerheads until then, or keep the net handle on him if that is keeping him stable.