Long tentacle anenome


New Member
My long tentacle anenome has been looking really bad for about 4 days then it will look good for about 1 day and then bad again and so on. Does any one have any advice.


my advice is make sure your water quality is perfect and you have enough lighting to support this type of anemone.
IME and research, most host anemones dwindle away in aquariums over the course of 6months or so. very few experts have a surivival history of keeping them over 2years, something like 4%. i can probably find the article, you could too- search the web for anemones.
host anemones have a lifespan in the ocean of over 200 years.
has anyone on this site had a good experience with them? i.e. long tenticles, bubble tips, sabae, carpet....


New Member
I have been backing off on time the lights are on in the tank. I though that was part of my brown algae problem and in turn this is adding to this problem. how many hours should the lights be on? I read about 8hrs is the max per 24hrs.I backed it off to about 6 the last couple of weeks. :(


what type of lighting are you using?
i've read most keep their lights on 8-10 hours, it depends what type of lights and animals/corals you are keeping, some others go longer or shorter- it really depends what you have in there.
i just read another post by you- you have a tang and some clowns- much coral etc?
reducing light to get rid of algae will affect those that need high light to produce food- the brown tentacle anemone being one of those.
its a no win situation there-
you might have to look into ridding the algae another way (what type of water are you using?)-
on the good side, the reduced light might be the reason for your brown's slump and this can be changed.