long tentacle plate coral


set up tank with not much area on the substrate to set corals. is there some reason other than possibly falling that they need to be on the sand?? would a secure flat location up in the rock be okay?
oohhh and yes i've read that they may be difficult to keep alive but he's eating and looks great


The do move and may fall off and sting other corals. They need to be at least 3" away from everything else. That's measured when it is fully opened as it can expand three times it's size. You can give me some live rocks and you'll have some space. :D

nm reef

Active Member
Mine prefers to stay on the sand bed...not sure about placement on the rocks. they are a bit on the aggressive side so if you do place it higher I'd try to avoid possible falls onto other corals.

<a href="http://members.3lefties.com/bdjr/index.html" target="_blank">NM REEF</a>


Good luck with your plate for some reason I could keep mine for a year or so and then they would just die. My water parameters were fine but I can not figure why I keep loosing them if anyone could give me heplp on this I would appreciate it I would like to try one again in the future.


Active Member
I keep mine on the sand bed and it does move some. It has expanded a lot since I got it from the LFS and has already killed 2 coral by toughing them. Do you feed your? I have read that a lot of them die from starvation. I feed mine krill once or twice a week and it seems to love it.


fed him 2 chunks of squid last night for his first feeding since i got him tues. was awesome wathing it expand and hold down the food with his tentacles then work it to the mouth which got really big and looked like it had teeth in it. its a little bigger than your average coffee saucer and fits well even when swelled where i have him now(about six inches up in the rocks). unless he can climb a 1 inch lip he cant move much and at this time there is nothing under him alive he could hurt.


New Member
I had to get rid of my plate coral due to it killing two of my fish. I sit right there and watched it sting both of them during a feeding. I wish you luck !!


I've heard that they don't last long, but they do nice. When I had mine, I had a clown that took it as a host. I'll probably get another one when I have a bigger tank with more room.