long tentacle toad stool looks like something bit it off


New Member
I recently purchased a long tentacle toad stool and it was bent at the base for a while but now it's stem is up, however, the side that it was leaning against the floor, it was brown. I thought it would shed and recover but now all of a sudden, it looks like something bit that side off, revealing the hollowness of the inside. The side next to where it's cut off, there's a dark brown film on it. Is there anything I can do to help this toadstool or is it dying? Please help!
My water conditions are fine as I do partial water changes weekly. Just have been testing my buffer levels and it's in the 12 range. sg 1.27/8 My sinularia, pom pom xenia's and frog spawn are doing great! :notsure:


Active Member
You may have to frag it by cutting the base completely off, but I would say this is a last resort, and wait for more opinions. I think that the side that was leaning over was probably dead or dieing, and now it may be spreading to the other side. Just my thought, wait for more answers


New Member
Thanks your help! cut off which part, the part that's shedding? Is it supposed to be hollow inside the leathe? should I do it now or wait for later?


Active Member
That would be a question for reefkprz, I have not fragged a toadstool, one of the few I haven't fragged, I am assuming it should look like straws stacked against each other on the inside if that makes sense. I would suggest cutting the base off above the necrotic tissue, and then re-attaching to a rock... but wait for his answer if he does


Active Member
they are always solid flesh inside the ones I have cut.
I would cut whatever tissue looks bad off the leather. if you can leave it attached go for it, if the whole trunk looks like its going bad cut the head off and save the head.


Active Member
Mine had a large hole in it awhile back. The hole was dark and shedding. I took it out iof the tank and scraped all the brown out of the hole until it was the right color, and now its doing great, the hole is filling in with new tissue.


New Member
thanks guys! yeah, mine really looks like it has a hole and the side apppears to be hollow but then again, it's dark and shedding around it. i'm trying to put water pressure on the shedding by putting power heads in that direction but it's not coming off. i will try to take it out and scrape the shedding off. i'm hoping that the hole will eventully fill in and grow back.
the stem is strong and standing upright so that's a good sign but the shedding is covering more of the head now. :happyfish