Long Tentacle will not stay put!!!!


I've had a long tentacle for a while now that has a pink skunk clown living in it.
Because of this I'd like to have it somewhere in the front of the tank where I can see it.
For some reason the darn thing keeps wanting to go to the back of the tank behind the rocks.
Is there anything I can do short of glueing the thing down (I wouldn't do that even if I could) to get it to stay in place?
I try to put it in a place with moderate lighting and water flow.
I have great water circulation and 245 Watts of lighting.


It's moving because it's not happy where it
is in the tank. If you keep moving it back
or glue it into place, it will mostly likely
croak. Best thing to do from my own anemone
experience (even though I have had one) is to
just leave it alone. Only time I move mine
out from the back of the tank, is if I have
to feed it.


its possable that you have too much current in the place you want him to stay. that may be something you want to check first. yes they will move to find a comfortable spot. and yes he may die if you keep moving him. check your circulation to start.

big dave

Long Tentacles naturally "root" their "foot" in the sand. They usually do the same in an Aquarium. He will eventually find a spot he likes and "root" there.


justin, i had the same probem for the first month then finally my long tentacle sttled in the back. But now it has grown quite large (was theabout 2 inch diamater now 6 inch) and has roase up out of the back is completly visible between my rocks and wall. Your anenome is most likey moving ins earch of foodif you would like him to stay put feed it. Not only will this solve your problem but it has been proven that protien is the most important facot for an anemones sucess in captivity not current or even lighting. I suggest deeding it a silverside by hand about every 2 weeks. Good Luck


o and whatever you do dont move him he is where he is becasue he liek it there moving him will stress him out and lead to death you can only hope that eventually hell find a nice place in front


Active Member
Most like tha sand and even the glass.Try putting him in the sand right up front.My'n stayed, but he keeps moving just let it be.


take a look at the spot he chooses like current and light, on rock or sand? try to get match the condition in the fron of the aquarium, than have him move ther by increaseing water flow to where he is now no he will move on his own. dont keep moving him with your hands