Long Tenticle anemone?


I just got a long tenticle anemone at myt lfs the other day and it was looking perfect. It was full out and very healthy. I took it home and put it in my tank and it is still wide open and healhy, but its acting strange. Everytime i put it somewhere and come back in an hour, the creatuer put its self on its side and just stays there. Its fine and not sick, but just decides to do that. What is the procedure to making an anemone stay in a spot, cuz this one has a mind of its own.


Active Member
You can't. Sadly, anemones don't have a central brain :( They cannot learn to accept a certain condition that they wouldn't get in the wild. They will move around until they find a spot that fits its needs. The more you move it around, likely the more stressed you'll make it. You cannot make an anemone go where you want it, if it likes an area it will go towards it.
Hello hhands361
Well I can tell you this after going through 3. Just leave it alone until it finds a spot. We kept moving ours to fit our liking and not theirs. They soon all died. Only move it if it is in danger i.e. power head or filter. Good luck!!


Thanks. So what you are all saying is that i should just leave it alone until it finds a spot that IT likes right?


Last question. Okay so i leave him alone to find a spot. Most of today he sat on the goudn on his side. He was open and looked healthy, but was on his side not going anywhere. Is he having problems getting to stay up or is he liking that position? Also will this be permanent?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
my LTA also like the sand, moved there right away and hasnt changed spots yet. I dont know about it being on its side, but just leave it alone and let it do its thing.