long timers help


have 90g reef for 2-3 years fully establised having prob with sudden out break of debrisha and hair algae have been doinng alot of water changes corals are all fine have five fish ph 8.3-salinty 1.023-calcium 425-alk 11dkh-0 on phos-nitrate-nitrite i know they exsite in algea my water is ro and i cant find any readings in ro water i do you'se cc could this be the cause after 2 years and how often should it be vacumed cause i do not altho i am getting ready to sifon it out and go to sand.i do have a refugem set up with differt typse of cupltra set up that is free of crapy alga.
[ June 01, 2001: Message edited by: robster ]


When was the last time you changed the filters in your RO? Also, have you changed your bulbs lately or upgraded? Just some ideas...