Longest and shortest times you had an anemone?

kris walker

Active Member
Hi everyone,
Just curious what the shortest time and longest time you had an anemone before it degraded and died (if it did)? A year ago I remember hearing that the average was 9 months, and I'm curious if I can still see such an average in the future posts to this thread.


I have had mime for over a year and it is huge and is growing. The only problem is that I purchased it a beautiful yellow and now it is brownish with purple tips. No the most beautiful site but extremely healthy. I would not reccommend purchasing one of these and I feel that I have had extreme beginners luck!!!!


Active Member
Over 8 months and tripled in size. It's a rock/flower anemone. Didn't know what I was doing when I bought it, but I'm glad I did. Very active, very healthy.
Would I buy again, probably not!


Active Member
about 10 months now... seems to doing well, has doubled in size. I'm sure I just jinxed myself... my anemone will probably die this weekend.

fish boy

i got a florida condi with some other anemones and it died the first day but all the others have been doing fine for months


I have had three for over 5 years, 4 for 3 years, and a few for 1-3 years. I still think that the key with them is to leave them alone and don't overfeed. I feed mine once or twice a month. I also realize that on some occasions they will shrivel up, sometimes even disappear. I don't mess with them. Within a day or two, they are back to normal.

kris walker

Active Member
Good point about the title Golfish. I tried to make it general to appeal to all, but I just ammended it to make it better.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have to agree withky.I have 12 anemones in my tank,and do absolutly nothing to them.I don't even feed them.And three of them have been with me for over two years.The newest ones are a group of four small unidentified ones on a rock.They have been in the tank for less than a month and have already split to eight.I guess that you either have a good tank setup for them or not.Unfortunatly most people do not have the setup to enable them to thrive...This "perfect setup"would include excellant lighting including MH...And a complex filteration system with excellentwater quality...


I have a carpet for 4 mos. and a long tentacle for 2. Both are thriving(long tentacle got in a fight with a power head but is doing great now). By the way, how big does a carpet get? It is growing at a brisk rate.Just curious


I kept one condylactis for like three days, and then my heater broke and boiled it. I had a bubble tip for a week, then I thought it died and stupidly flushed it down the toilet. I'm not planning to buy any of them again, though the other day I saw the a really nice condylactis gigantea. Really nice, do I want to get it? No. I'm happy with corals :D .


Active Member
We received 2 bt's as an anniversary present when our tank was only 6 weeks old. One was bleached and died within days. I had no idea how to take care of them. (Crossing fingers) the other has done really well and has split into 2 a couple months ago. We've had it so far for 5 months. Have no idea why it's ok or how long it will last. I did buy myself a condy a couple months ago and it's getting really big.


The hobby of keeping anemones seems to be based on a luck basis! Ive had my neon green bubble for like a month now.. it seems to be doing great. But ive had other people just have them die immediately. As for lights i only use one 55watt pc on my 29 gal. But i do know a guy that has 6 anemones doing great in a 29 gal just using a 40 watt. 50/50 bulb!