Longhorn Cowfish?


Does anyone have any experience with longhorn cowfish. and also, is their toxin very devastating and do they nip at corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by antwon http:///forum/thread/385168/longhorn-cowfish#post_3376905
Does anyone have any experience with longhorn cowfish. and also, is their toxin very devastating and do they nip at corals?

Great fish, but very demanding and should be the main fish in the tank. I had one for over 10 years before moving. Their toxin can wipe out a tank; so they should be the 1st fish and have peaceful tankmates. BTW, is your profile correct? Do you really have a volitan lion, maroon clown, koran angel, sailfin tang in a 72?


Oh well my lionfish is already the main fish...and I used to hav all those fish, but my lion ate the clown, the koran was small and I didnt want the lionfish to eat him so I put him in my dads tank but he recently died...the tang got stuck to the powerhead intake and my lunar wrasse jumped out...my huma just fired idk y and the lionfish was eaten by my arrow crab....and I tried blue jaw triggers twice...both died


Active Member
Originally Posted by antwon http:///forum/thread/385168/longhorn-cowfish#post_3377057
Oh well my lionfish is already the main fish...and I used to hav all those fish, but my lion ate the clown, the koran was small and I didnt want the lionfish to eat him so I put him in my dads tank but he recently died...the tang got stuck to the powerhead intake and my lunar wrasse jumped out...my huma just fired idk y and the lionfish was eaten by my arrow crab....and I tried blue jaw triggers twice...both died
Under those circumstances, I sure wouldn't get a LH Cowfish. Your tank is way too small and the Cowfish is really a difficult fish. Get some long-term success with easier fish before you attempt the tough ones. The hobby would hate to lose you and losing fish non-stop is an easy way to just say 'Hell with it".


LOL my pipe was eaten by my arrow crab, not my lion. and honestly all those fish that died dont seem to have died from water problems or diet (with the exception of the triggers) but i just didnt pay attention to compatibility....oh well :( after the lion gets too big for my tank i'll prob find a good home for him and try my hand at hippocampus erectus or reidi.

shrimpy brains

Ok! That makes more sense. Horses are awesome, but definitely research compatabilty if you get them. There is a great chart on this in the Seahorse forum of this board.