Longnose Hawk


New Member
I've had my Hawk about 5 days. I haven't seen him eating. I was recommended to feed him frozen Brine, but he hasn't touched the stuff. At least I don't see him eating it. I don't have any aggressive eaters in the tank. The Blue Hermits, and horseshoes eat the stuff. Does anybody have any suggestions for food, or feeding methods? :confused:


My long nosed hawk was the exact opposite of yours. He took to his new surroundings immediately. He did and still does eat like a pig and is the most aggresive eater in the tank. Your's might still be getting use to his new home though. I've had fish not eat for a week before coming around. As long as your water parameters are good and no one is picking on him I wouldn't worry yet. Is he acting normal? Does his color look ok? Also you could try feeding him some live brine shrimp for a while. Lot's of fish can't resist the movement and have to eat them. Good luck and keep us posted. ;)


Hey there, my long nose does have an appetite and can compete with other faster swimming fish. It does prefer larger foods ,other then tiny brine shrimp, in fact he usually ignores the brine shrimp (unless live). It really loves freeze dried plankton(North Pacific Krill) & frozen mysis. Try these for your LNH, good luck.