Longnose Hawkfish and Purple Pseudochromis compatibility

metcalf vt

I am wondering if anyone has had these two fish in the same tank without any problems. Some people say the pseudochromis can become aggressive and others don't have problems. Mine for the most part is pretty calm and just hangs out in the live rock. Pretty much i just want to know if they will have any problems together or if I should look into something else
It is in a 29 gallon tank with about 50 pounds of live rock. The only things in the tank are a clarkii clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and a fire shrimp


Active Member
I've got a longnose & a similar pseudochromis in my "small fish" tank: now; no problems. But, that doesn't mean there can't be one. Both of these fish can be a bit territorial and in a 29 gal, who knows? Certainly isn't anything about this combo that would discourage me from putting them together. But like most things in this hobby; no guarantees.

metcalf vt

Originally Posted by srfisher17
I've got a longnose & a similar pseudochromis in my "small fish" tank: now; no problems. But, that doesn't mean there can't be one. Both of these fish can be a bit territorial and in a 29 gal, who knows? Certainly isn't anything about this combo that would discourage me from putting them together. But like most things in this hobby; no guarantees.
yeah i figured it would be either hit or miss. I guess i will give it a shot and see what happens, worst case scenario i will take the hawkfish back if i get him.