Longnose Hawkfish


i just put 2 small peppermint shrimp in the tank, and my longnose hawkfish just obliterated one of them and is on the prowl for the other...has anyone else run into problems with their longnose hawkfish?


All Hawkfish are notorius shrimp eaters, although some are more tolerant than others. I have a few shrimp, 1 cleaner and 2 peppermint, and my flame hawk messes with them, but he doesn't eat them. Here is the statement from SWF.com
Size: 3 inches
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Bold
Reef Safe: Monitor with Shrimp
Diet: Pellet, Flake, Brine
Origin: Indian Ocean
Acclimation Time: 3+ hours
If you can find a shrimp that is larger, or as large, as your hawk, then you might have a chance, but it's expensive to find out.
Glen in Atlanta

bean 1

Usually a bad idea to mix hawks and shrimp. There are a few folks on the board that have successfully kept them together...I've seen some pics of a flame hawk being cleaned by a shrimp floating around on here somewhere but I don't think that it's the norm. I have a falco, flame, and a spotted hawk but I've never housed them with a shrimp before, but they do leave the rest of my inverts alone. Some folks even have problems with their hawks eating their hermits and knocking snails off the glass and eating them too! I think hawks are some of the most personable fish out there but they are not without their share of social problems. Good Luck!


I agree I had a Red Flame Hawk( named Jimbo) he would wait till he saw the molting of a shrimp then go on the prowl. Iwould watch him stalk the last few shrimp like a cat does a bird. i had to take him back to the lfs
It sucked cause he had such a great personality. He was a camera hog always wanting his pic took. I miis him but the rest and new shrimp don't:D