Longnose Hawkfish ???


Can anyone tell me their experience with longnose hawkfish? Specifically will they eat other small fish like dartfish and will they eat shrimp (regular sized shrimp, not peppermints or ghost shrimp)? Any other info or pics would be great.
Im thinking of this fish for non reef tank but with inverts.
Let me know what you think


New Member
I'm sad that I just lost my longnose hawk after he put up a very valiant fight to survive.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'd been having a hard time keeping fish alive. I purchased "Rufus" because he'd been at the lfs several weeks and therefore seemed to have good resistance to disease. He was the first fish in a long while who didn't seem to have trouble living in my tank after having lost several fish shortly after introducing them.
Then, a few weeks ago, the thermostat went out on my heater and the tank got up to 92 degrees before I realized what was going on. Rufus was still alive when I started bringing down the temp, but disappeared the next day. I was just about ready to take down the tank in frustration, even though I knew the last loss had been a freak accident.
He had been gone for a week when lo and behold, he came back! I was just elated and felt if he was going to put up such a fight, I'd go ahead and keep the tank and went out and purchased a new fish and some snails to replace the casualties of the heater failure. Unfortunately he wasn't quite right after his return and was only back a couple days before he disappeared again. I think he's gone for good this time, but I'm still keeping the tank.
As for your question about compatibility, my large cleaner shrimp did quit coming out as soon as I introduced Rufus, and eventually disappeared altogether. I don't know if Rufus got him or not. I didn't really have anything else in there that he would have bothered. I can tell you he showed a lot of personality, watching everything, turning his head, etc. and he was tough as nails until the end.