Longnose Hawkfish


New Member
Do they eat flake food?
I have heard that they are only carnivores, but then at my LFS, they told me that all fish will eat anything when they are hungry...
Any personal experience with flake food?
Since I travel a lot, I rely on my auto-feeder... So I need fish that eat flake food...
If they do not eat flake food, what are you favourite fish that DO eat flake food?


Hhhrrrmmm it's really hard to say whether a specific fish will eat flake...most take to it if they are captive breed..a lot will also eat pellets... Though what I do is ask the LFS to feed the fish the food I use to see if they will accept it right off or not....
But he is not telling the truth when he says they will eat it when hungry enough...a lot of fish will starve to death before eating something foreign to them....
I have a Bangaii and mandarin that do not eat anything but Copepoda in my tank...been in there over a year with everyone else eating pellets...so make sure they are eating flake before you buy anything....and watch them do it...don't take anyone's word...