Longnose Hawkfish


New Member
I reccently saw this fish and have decided I would like one. Are there any special requirments for this fish, and would it bother my shrimp I have in the tank?


i doubt that it will bother your CBS...unless it is very small, i have seen many long nose hawks in a tank with a CBS...
just my .02


I dont think that a hawk can consume a CBS, hawk even wont be able to go near CBS because of the big claws... looks impossible to me...


Active Member
Longnosed hawks generally do pretty good with shrimp in reef systems, unless the shrimp is very small. Bo


Active Member
i have never had a problem with most hawks unless the shrimp was smaller. Long nosed hawks generally dont mess with too many shrimps. Like everything however, there will always be exceptions both ways.


Active Member
Long nose like shrimp but you could get lucky. They definately are jumpers as my carpet unfortunately found out some time ago. Good luck.