look at it go!!

i have an arrow crab... i believe they should have 6 legs.. and a pair of claws... for some reason... 4 legs are on one side of his body, and the other 2 on the other side... AAAANNNNYYYYYY WWWAAAAAYYYY......
it climbs up the heater! JUMPS across to the filter tube then gets stuck up there for little while.. =) just thought it was fun...
(keep in mind that i just recently got the crab, and is very ecited!
:) )
in the beginning..
couldnt get back on the heater after about 5 or 6 minutes of trying... so it decided to climb down... :D worked better that way...
that is all
yessir i am very bored... it sucks when that is the only thing to look at... and when the chromis stays up in the corner and does nothing... OH! and a found a duster on my LR.. whoO hOo!
AHHH!!!! DAMMIT!! you make me feel terrible pisces!!!! i was going to, but was afraid that i was gonna over corwd the take.. cus i also want firefish.... and MAYBE bangai crrdinals...!!! ahh TERRIBLE I FEEL... tsk tsk:(
arrow eats anything left behind.. so i am told... its a scavenger..
sometimes they can be agressive.. but so far mine isnt.. im not sure about reef safe...
but i wouldnt take my word for it.. i suggest you go to websites and look up some info.. its fairly easy to find them..
but yes.. they are great funn to look at...