Look at my poor clown- she has popeye


Active Member
popeye is treatable. Not sure with what. If you can isolate him before treating. IF you have no invertebretes then you could potentially treat the tank.


well, as you can see from the pic there are inverts in the tank :D thanks for the reassurence though. I have heard of popeye but I have never heard of a clown getting it before.


Cant see any pic but he red X
First step is a water change, about 30 percent. Get one ready and let it mix for 24 hours with an air stone or other method of heavy aeriation.
Next some water paramiter if you please. Tell us about your filtration. How long the fish has been in the main display? Has a net been used on it latly, any aggression with this fish vs. the other fish.
It is normally caused by environmental conditions like poor water quality, high DOC’s, high nitrates, improper catching like when using a net, fighting with other fish, or by having hit something hard in the tank like rocks, heaters, or any other stationary object. It can also be caused by bacteria, parasites, virus or a growth behind the eye.
So let us know what your water paramiters are..ammo, trites,0 Nitrate, phosphate, temp, salinity...
Also do you have a qt tank set up?


thanks for getting me on track Thomas, I will test my water later. But for the other questions:
clown has been in the tank for a year with the same tankmates
filtration consists of a Berlin turbo skimmer, a 15 gallon refugium, 100 lbs of live rock and a 4-5" dsb
no nets or agression
no Q tank is set up. I used to have one but never needed it


For the first step "the water change" is simple and can be done right in the main display.
If we move on to meds then you will need to QT, particulaly if you have a reef and other inverts.
You can still tell me temp and salinity can't you?


good point-
salinity is 1.024
and temp is 86F :eek: -could this be part of the problem?
I just turned on my AC and now have a fan blowing on my 'fuge so that should get the temp down.


Ahh good thing you checked anyway. If anything you will have a lower oxygen at that temp. Check your heater setting if you have one. Be ready to use zip lock bag with ice in the sump if need be.


If in fact your scores that yoiu have given are zero then that will leave DOC's as a possable cause as well. Can you have an LFS test as well for a second opinion.
Still working on that water change?


Still working on the water change Thomas, I usually like to let my water mix for more than one day. The guys at the closest LFS to me don't even follow the instructions to their kit when they test water, so I am going to have to take a little trip this weekend to go somewhere where I can get good tests done.