Look at this; My hermit killed my bubble coral


Active Member
This was my first coral; I just got a hermit crab the other day and the bubble coral fell from the top and has'nt recovered;
CAN YOU SEE THE HITCHIKER ON THE BUBBLE CORAL??? Its around 11oclock and greenish


Active Member
I think he thinks a bumbling hermit knocked it over and the physical trauma killed it. Must not have noticed that it was knocked over for a while!
The green thing looks like bubble algae. Maybe your water quality is not so hot?


Active Member
It seems to me there is a LOT of algae growth on the skeleton of that coral, indicating to me perhaps it has not been healthy for some time. Some hermits can definitely be an issue, but I suspect the poor healthy of this coral was a contributing factor.


Active Member
Well that is true, it is my fualt. This is not the first time it has fallen. It has fallen about 12 times in the last 2 months, due to the uneven bottom of the coral. This is not an excuse but the facts.


Active Member
Actually my water parameteres never have been so good; all zero's specific gravity;1.025 ph8.2 cal. 420. I think the last fall was the last draw. I wish I could have found a SECURE location for bubble. I am going to get another one after awhile.


Active Member
Use something such as epoxy or crazy glue to secure them to the rock, don't get another one if it's just going to fall over again :)


Originally Posted by Lubeck
Well that is true, it is my fualt. This is not the first time it has fallen. It has fallen about 12 times in the last 2 months, due to the uneven bottom of the coral. This is not an excuse but the facts.
That would probobly have a lot to do with it so don't give up. Thats more than once a week and I'm sure you weren't there right when it happened every time. Like they said you can get stuff to secure the coral to the rock. This will also be handy whenever you get small frags from someone.


Active Member
Lighting is 2-250w 10k mh 1-150w 20k mh plus 260 w pc . I have had some problems with running them too long so i knoked off about 5 hours well see.


Active Member
I seriously doubt a fall from the rockwork would kill any coral unless it landed on another coral that stung it. I agree that the bubble coral looks as if it has excessive algae growth on it's base, which is very bad for corals in general.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I seriously doubt a fall from the rockwork would kill any coral unless it landed on another coral that stung it. I agree that the bubble coral looks as if it has excessive algae growth on it's base, which is very bad for corals in general.
A single fall probably isn't going to hurt anything. But this thing fell 12 times in a fairly short period. Those bubbles can rip fairly easily and thats definitely not good for it.
As someone mentioned, if you have a coral that won't stay still you can usually glue it with super glue gel.


Active Member
George, you don't think, from my neglegance, falling 12 times from the top of the tank bumbling down over other rock work would'nt kill you? I don't know what the problem is with my water chemistry; but i have ugraded my lights, changed cc to ls, increased turnover to 29x and all trates, trites, amoni, are at O. ph. 8.3 cal. 400 phos. 0


Active Member
Your not going to believe this but It is starting to regenerate, I left the skeleton in the tank because if you look closely you can see a clam attached at the top of the coral, so i left it in the tank. Noticing one night i saw tenicles and the next day i looked and there are about 8 small bubbles. I am going to try my best to nurse it back to health.