Thanks for the adivse. I figured they take the best pics, but i only needed a little, and a lot of places sell 45 lb boxes as the smallest. Im pretty good at reading peoples voices and i asked lots of question and i think it will be good. If it looks pretty close to the pics it will be worth it. i looked at other places for rock, i was considering some of this new stuff at aquacon but where i got it it was a little cheaper. I also wanted fresh uncured rock. i need to cycle my tank, and wanted to see what kind of animals i could get. My work has some LR that is ok but thee isnt any where aroung here that sell good rock. But i agree that i would like to see it first. I'll take some pics when i get it thursday and post them and we can compare the pictures. The shipment will be in on tuesday from fiji (they are sold out right now) so unless it got stuck on the plane i will get it thursday fresh from the ocean.