look what I got for free!!!


So I get this call from a friend that says I got you a tank, but there is a freshwater fish in it that you have to take too. I guess there was an eviction and this a-- left the fish behind... I get there its a 90g with two VERY large oscars and what I call a monster of a sucker fish in it. No food No air for four days. We break down the tank catch the fish(scary) :scared: and set it up in my livingroom within a matter of 45min. to an hour. They dont look good for the longest time, then they all hang out by the air stone for awhile and two days later their swimming like they have no cares in the world!! :cheer:
Thing is Im please as punch to get a free 90g but dont plan to keep the fish, I have found a good home for the oscars already and my lsf said they would take the algea eater. so now even though I was going to wait and get a 120-150-180g as planned how can I say no to a FREE 90?? I cant. so now what do I do? Im very new to this and my lfs said this:

just to start DO I NEED ALL OF THIS??? thanks for any input,


hopfully, this was the first picture I have ever posted, what a pain to get it the right size...
here are the three big fish!!


timer seems overpriced
live sand is no where near that much but a bargain for the live rock,
lights are kinda right if you are getting metal hailides

so if you could get the sand and timer at a differen't place you might be able to save around 100 dollars


Active Member
the ls sounds right to me, but maybe its just over priced here i paid like $80 for 40 lbs


OCH you don't have to buy all live sand. Get one 20LB wet live sand and mix it with enough dry sand to get what you want for a sandbed. The rest will turn live. Definately a cheaper route to go, but takes time to get the micro crustaceans and what not to spread. Thats what cycling time is for ;). You could also go with cheaper lights if you are not going with corals. If so you could go with jumbo T5's (will take several) or VHO's. Either way is typicaly cheaper than hallides. If your getting the typical recomended liverock for a tank that size, thats a very good price if its qualityrock.


thanks for the info, the lr is only three to four pieces, i plan to add more later. I do want corals and anenomes later(6mos or so), does it make sence to get the hallide now? Money is a concern...

nm reef

Active Member
Very good find on the 90gal freshwater system...and the photos are decent enough...but this is a photography elated forum. You may get more responses and information in either the equipment forum or the reef forums.


Check the big online auction site (I'm not allowed to say the word EBAAY on here)...and SWF.com for rocks (they were pretty nice). I also found lights MUCH cheaper online. Most of the stuff you need can be found cheaper online than in the LFS in my opinion. Look around and I bet you can save 30-40%. Unfortunately the tank is one of the least expensive items you need to but for this hobby. Good Luck.


Active Member
Well the preices really mean nothing as yu failed to give brand or quanity etc that price buys. Pump......well what kind........Live rock......how many pounds, 10 pounds or 100 pouonds . quanity makes a difference. Same for sand......
I would venture to say if you can DIY you can save a bunch of money on lights.......and timers are not anywhere enar that expensive.......
If you can nail boards together to make a box, you can make a hood.......as basically all a hood is, is a box, and for the most part you can probably get em precut at a big box store, carry em home and glue/ screw /nail em together.....install some retro fit lights and your set.........


Originally Posted by fishwanabe
hopfully, this was the first picture I have ever posted, what a pain to get it the right size...
here are the three big fish!!
Ok so I have to give this fish to someone that really whats him... any takers? free!!!! he is an oscar, about 10-12 in long seems to be very healthy. i would perfer someone to pick up, Im not to sure how to ship. my email is aml05@comcast.net its a ZERO after the 5 not an letter O. thanks


You might have troulbe tring to get rid of that O most people won't keep a tank just for one O Wish I had more room but my 110 is maxed out already.Try Cichlid-forum.com O's will pout for awhile after you mess with there tank