Look what I just found in my own garage sale!


Active Member
Can you say freebie? Good....
My motherin law has yard sales from time to time, she wants to make abusiness out of it i think.... anyways, lots of us put things in it and my wife and i were running it today when I noticed this acrylic tank...
This will make a nice fuge for my DT. And because I was gonna buy the acrylic to make it, it saved me about 80 bucks.
Only problem is it has a large crack in the back of it. How can I fix this? I though about cutting a part of the top off, Im gonna need to anyways to access it. And then using that as a patch. Is there a glue that will chemically weld this stuff? Or does it just adhere it?



Active Member
its cool good find but b carful if it breaks ur in trouble
i think u should fill iit up wit water, leave somewere that if it breaks the water can go everywere safley
i would fill it wit water and leave it alone for mayb 2-3 weeks to make sure its safe
or u can jus use that safe glue to keep it together


Weld on #16. You could cut a piece of acrylic and weld on over crack, or just weld on crack. I had large crack in my acrylic fuge and the people here told me about the weld on and it is the greatest. Best stuff I have ever seen. Use it and you will never see a leak.
yeah the weld on is the stuff. I would first weld on the crack and then do a piece across the crack to help relieve pressure and you should be good to go. Nice find.


Active Member
awesome, the crack does leak but I'll fix that. Where do you get weld on #16? Lowes?
BTW it measure 30 X 12 X 18 ==28 gallons or so.


do a google search and you will find some places that sell it. Home depot and lowes doesn't carry it. Yellow pages and look for acrylic places. They also carry it.


You can use a rotozip/router etc. With a good side cutting bit to gently route the top off as aposed to out right cutting. Leave a little bit of a lip and you should be good.