Look what my coral banded is eating!!


I happened to peer into my tank last night and say my coral banded shrimp chowing down on a blue legged Hermit crab. He was running around the tank with that thing stuck to his head for several hours, waving his claws at any fish that swam near him. I guess the question I have is: are coral banded shrimp known to eat hermit crabs? I'm hoping that he just found a dead hermit crab and decided to make a meal of it. What do you guys thing? Is a Coral Banded a thread to the rest of my very useful Hermit Crab clean up crew?



So about a week ago I found my well behaved (up until now) Coral Banded shrimp chowing down on a blue legged hermit. Well after going away for the weekend I come home to find him chowing down on my strawberry psuedochromis! I don't know what has turned him into a lunatic killing machine! Maybe he's on PCP's or crack,i dont' know. Has anyone experienced a psychopathic coral banded like this before. Maybe I'll be having coral banded shrimp scampi tonight (JK) Most likely he's going back to the LFS. I was not aware that Coral Bandeds are so aggressive.



Active Member
they r known to be pretty aggressive. i doubt he'd killed ur hermit or fish tho. most likely they were dead or weak to begin with.


Active Member
I have a pic around of mine having torn the worm out of a large caribbean feather duster worm.... needless to say mine has been living in the sump for about 5 months now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
they r known to be pretty aggressive. i doubt he'd killed ur hermit or fish tho. most likely they were dead or weak to begin with.
I wouldn't doubt it, personally. Mine chased and attached numerous fish in my tank towards the end of him being in the DT.


Mine only chased around a scooter blenny that seemed to taunt him a lot (get close, back off, get close, back off). Otherwise, he just scavenges around on the rocks for anything he can find. I know that it is common for them to stalk a sleeping fish, though...


I did forget to mention that I do love my little monster. Bandit is a blast to watch and is one of the 3 things that survived a complete tank crash.


Active Member
aww thats sad.. this is why im not gonna get one of these guys even tho i hear they have a lot of personality..


Mine actually acts as a cleaner shrimp except for the lionfish which they have standoffs alot but he is to big for the lion to eat.


Active Member
mine never ate anything but bristleworms- and just babies...he wasn't bold enough to go after the big ones!
he did get into a fight with my arrow crab though. the arrow crab lost.
Originally Posted by Mr_X
mine never ate anything but bristleworms- and just babies...he wasn't bold enough to go after the big ones!
he did get into a fight with my arrow crab though. the arrow crab lost.
arrow crabs are ugly anyway. when i had both an arrow and a CBS the arrow lost too!