

New Member
okay first i dont have an emporer if you could read right you would understand that i am thinking about getting rid of my korean i dont have an emporer yet and if it will get to big i will get rid of it i dont want to kill any fish
i just want some pretty fish that dont get too big and the dude i bought them from said that they wont get that big i am going by what the guy that i buy my fish from is telling me and what yall are telling me i listen to all of yall more than him becuase yall seem to know what you are doing that is why i have not bought anything else yet i am not being upset or mad i just want to know what i need to get for the tank what sort of fish can i put in it and how many i always figured it was 1 inch per 1 gallan if i am wrong please explain the equation so that i can figure out what i need to get and get this fish out of my tank so it wont die i hate to lose fish i know that they are expensive and they are living animals thanks for all the help
P.S. i didnt mean to start a new post it was an accedent


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