LookDown is gone


Today i returned my LookDown to the store due to the suggestions of those on the board. I am getting store credit for it but i have to wait 3 days to make sure that he doesnt die in the store before they give me the credit. They actually had anther in stock and they put them in the same tank and right away they started swimming next to each other. Im glad i brought him back, thanks everyone for the advice. I put a 4-5inch black masked dogface puffer on hold there. He is a nice fat one. It is $70. I think im gonna get either a lion or a clown grouper also. Any suggestions for another tankmate for the clown trigg, SFE, and puffer? Thanks again


I don't actually have either a lion or a trigger, but what is the reason that the two of them together is a big mistake? Which one is it that is the aggressor, the trigger? Also I saw a post about puffers and lions being a mistake, what is the reason for this? I am considering getting a porcupine puffer and was wondering if either a trigger or lion could be housed with them. The tank is a 75, that shares water with 2 other 75's and an 80. All with live rock and one a fishless refugium.


Puffers (and to some degree I think triggers) are fin nippers, so if you put a Lion and Puffer together that lion is most likely going to to be nipped/stressed quite a bit.


i have never had a problem with a puffer nipping at any fins. i have kept puffers for a while. always with a lion too. now some of the more aggressive triggers may nip. so be careful with those.


not every time, but often triggers will see lion fins as fun playtoys. Puffers are fin nippers too. All depends on the individual personality of the fish involved though, especially with triggers where each is an individual, albiet a grumpy or bored individual.