looking 4 large salt water hermits


Active Member
between my eel, rock crab, and puffer, these tiny salt water hermit crabs that are readily available almost everywhere don't stand a chance. i have one large hermit crab that i found on the beach and i would like to find 3-5 more of his calibur, since he seems to hold his own. can anyone help in my search??? every pet store i talk to in my area claims they can get them but so far its been nothing but empty promises. i'm not willing to give up what i've got, someone HAS to have them!! i'd greatly appreciate any help.
Try to get some "Hairy Red Leg Hermits".
Get about 10" long and are predatios. I had one with my dwarf fuzzy lion until it had an encounter with my brittle star, who simply tied itself to the hermit...


Active Member
i will take whatever kind of saltwater hermit i can; the variety is not the problem, it's the size. no one has any at the size that i want. the little guys may grow to be big but they aren't gonna have time to get big. i'm trying to find a company who has large saltwater hermit crabs for sale. got the day off so i'm gonna visit all the spots in my area and see what's new. wish me luck!


Active Member
found 2; it's a good thing i asked right as i was about to leave the store, because they had them in an unmarked tank behind a bunch of liverock. didn't even see them.


they run about $12+ for electeric blue legs. they just sold out a few days ago. i have some quarter size in some of my tanks but they are not electric blue legs


Active Member
thanks for the offer but my lfs came through and they honestly can get more. last time i talked to them they said they couldn't get any that big but i guess i talked to the wrong person.