Looking at adding a dragon goby


anyone tried these gobys before who can give me a little input. They arnt supposed to get that big and are supposed to be for the most part docile. Have a very docile tank 3 fire fish 1 jewled or princess damsel 1 royal gramma 2 true percs 1 yellow tang 1 scooter dragonet 2 emerald crabs 2 cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint shrimp dozen zebra hermits and about 30 tubro snails. Corals are a mix of zoos both polyp and colony several mushrooms and ricos a gornopia flower pot varity brista rock with 9 mini feather dusters and a sebae anenome all in a 100 gallon tank with about 130# LR


Active Member
first are u talking about a mandarin? if so they need at least 100# pounds of lr and at least a 8 month old tank, a fuge is SRONGLY recomended


Hello all
Now I am no expert on this (mandarin goby) fish but I have looked into getting one my self and what I had been told was that they need LIVE FOOD. Pods to be specific. So if your pod population is low you may won’t to get that up before you add one. This is why you should have a refuge because after the mandarin depletes the pods in your display you can move the pods in your refuge up to the display and bon apatite for mandarin.
I hope this has helped and good luck


no dragon goby its gray and white with spots it looks really cool. do a search for dragon goby saltwater


I think I was told they are reef safe and not to agressive. Otherwise, I can't give you any advice. I'm trying to go by what my LFS told me last week.

bill f

Yeah your right Durabane, Dragon Goby. I've got one. Pretty cool, they gulp mouthfulls of aragonite/sand and pass it through their gills. So they clean your substrate. Hides under my LR, so you have to be careful as the rocks settle as he keeps digging. I used 4" long PVC pipes buried in my DSB to act as pylons to keep rock from sinking and he stops digging. Not aggressive, reef friendly.


I have CC and Sand mix 75 # of each would that give him the neccesary food source Bill and the ones I saw at lfs were free swimmers do you know if they spend most of there time in the gravel want something that will be showy