Looking at adding a dragon goby



I've always admired what they call a Dragon goby or Banded goby. Done alot of research on them at one time. What it boiled down to for me was that it was a sand sifter, I'd watch them at my LFS all the time taking mouth fulls of sand and sifting them through their gills. I still think they are a magnificant fish.
However as a sandsifter he will be eating alot of your small inverts in the sandbed. I didn't want that to happen to mine. I have hopes of soon adding a mandarin to my system and I didn't want a sandsifter depleting the sandbed of my pods, not to mention many other micro infauna. Thats why I didn't get one.


already have a dragonet that keeps my pods in control. I only see them right when I turn on my lights but they are all over the place and some of them are getting the size of a pencil eraser. Had planned to get a mandarian but have gotten so attached to the scooter dragonet that I will just keep him. Do you think that a 100 with no sump could hold both a dragon and a scooter dragonet



Originally posted by Durabane
Do you think that a 100 with no sump could hold both a dragon and a scooter dragonet

Depends on how much live rock you have and projected populations of you pods are. I hate to upset any balance that would affect my sandbed and pod population. Its always been a tempting thing to want to add the dragon goby for me. As long as you pods are given enough live rock to breed in then perhaps you will be ok. If you scooter is also eating frozen food like mysis or brine then that could also be a factor in your favor.
The Dragon goby will most likely like to tunnel under a rock or something, or in a small cave by the sandbed.


Thanks Thomas
Have 135# of live rock scooters eats whatever he can get in his mouth watched him suck stuff out of the rocks as well as any food I put in the tank. But the Dragons I have seen at the LFS have all been just swimming around the tank are they burrowers. Hmm was looking for a showy swimmer. Might have to research this more.


Been reading up more on these fellows, my LFS has gotten some more of them in. Let me tell you it sure is tempting. I have a few sites you might want to look at.


Originally Posted by Durabane
Thanks Thomas
Have 135# of live rock scooters eats whatever he can get in his mouth watched him suck stuff out of the rocks as well as any food I put in the tank. But the Dragons I have seen at the LFS have all been just swimming around the tank are they burrowers. Hmm was looking for a showy swimmer. Might have to research this more.
I have a green mandarin and he has never burroed in the sand or even given my sand bed a second look. He just hovers all over the rocks looking for copepods/microfauna. he also eats frozen brine shrimp.