Looking for 10' long stand ideas... plans, pics or old thread links?


In the process of thinking of a stand for three tanks that will be same viewing height laid out side by side as a display. I have a 65 gallon and two 40 gallon tanks. I wanted the 65 in the middle with a 40 to the right and left. Wanted to butt them up next to each other for a long 10 foot display. Need help from a previous thread if anyone knows or new ideas for a good quality stand I can make from all the pressure treated lumber I have. I have some 4x4s so thought those would be good for the anchors. I am not good at conceptualizing but great at actually building from plan. I can't imagine this is much different than a 8' or 10' long tank stand just there is three tanks instead of one long one.
It does not have to be pretty or appealing just functional and sturdy. I would also have a 55 gallon underneath with a 30 gallon sump, room permitting.
Anyone have any good design with pic or an old thread?


Im not sure on stand ideas but pressure treated wood likes to twist and crack over time so it may not be the best wood to use. You do not want the stand to become uneven and tanks become not level or the tanks could crack.