Looking for a 120 tall glass drilled tank in Florida Pasco County



well research it, but ill give you the low down. the reason anyone buys a reef ready tank is to add a sump/fuge. this is where you put your skimmer on one side, in the middle the return pump, and on the other side you add a refugee are for marine plants and macro algea. this systems adds water volume = stabilty, cleans the water=stabilty, and increases water flow=stabilty. these three sections are divided by baffles, and extra room is left in this divided tank in case of a poweroutage in which the water in the return pipes will stop entering your main tank an come back to your sump. These reef ready tanks and sumps are the way all main reef tanks function. id like to build you a 70 gallon sump but its up to you and id need the dimensons under the stand and im hoping its not closed off allready. did you plan on plumbing this thing at all or is this all new to you. anyway buddy enough i could have explained this to you on the phone in a couple minutes. send me your number that way i can quickly answere you questions. i need to get away from this computer