Looking for a Chiller



Size tank: 115 g
Looking for a dependable and affordable chiller.
please help!


I bought a Current-USA Prime mini 1/10 hp chiller a week ago. Worked great on my 75 gal tank. It must have been damaged in shipping though as it only worked for a few days and then it started to get less and less effecient. Now, it doesn't cool at all when running.
LFS that I purchased it from was notified and they are getting a replacement for me on Tuesday. In the meantime I bought a 7" clip on fan at walmart.
Temps with fan are pretty stable at 79 degrees. I have since opted not to replace the chiller but to return it all together. $515.00 I can now spend on livestock back in my pocket.
I would try a fan. I was GREATLY surprised what they can do just blowing accross the top of the tank. I got almost 10 degrees of cooling from mine (although I do have Air Conditioning and keep my house at 78). You may be pleasantly surprised. You can always take it back if it doesn't do what you need. The amount of savings between the two should give you enough incentive to try it out before you spend all that money on a chiller.


that sounds like a great idea.
I'll give it a try.
But my tank is set in my wall in the living room.
It is set up so you enter it through the back which is located in my garage..
So my big problem is the garage and the heat exchange there.
But I will definitely give the fan a shot.


i also have had great luck with fans. it brought my nano down 5 degrees just letting it blow across my tank while the light was on. i would blow toward the garage, i think that would keep the garage heat off the tank a little better.