Looking for a forum to hang out on!


New Member
Comeing to the site i thought i would post some pictures of my setups feel free to ask any questions!

The Tank as Changed Drastically since these were taken several months ago will post new and updated pics shortly.


New Member
All of the frags on the table are for the new and comeing soon tank of 400 gals it started out as just a little freshwater fun and then that got boreing so i decided add some salt and a 400 watt metal halide and 2 110watt vho for actinics.


New Member
I dont think its allowed to post links to other sites.........but will def have to check them out, thats usually the rule on most forums of this nature.


New Member
Do you ever make it in to the toledo area? if so let me know and i can point you in the direction of a couple shops in the area that are pretty cool for their size nothing compairible to down there. But hey atleast we have something here!


Active Member
That frag tank is simply epic. The gigas in the last pic of the whole tank looks humongous. Kudos to having a nicer tank than my LFS


Active Member
First off, welcome to this board. I seem to hang here most of the time, it is a lot faster pace than some others that I belong to, which to me is really cool, not waiting days for an answer on something.
Your tank looks great, that frag tank is sick, can't wait to see them in their new home soon. Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck, new tanks are always very exciting to get going. Again, welcome

Oh, there are some SPS freaks on here(read your profile), me being one of them.



Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
he dosent sell online
does not matter that they do not sell online, they do not allow links to fish stores since they are competitors.
welcome to the boards MR OP :) there's a lot less attitudes here, but definitely some rules you gotta pay attention to.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome everyone.........im not sure what kind of liner it is a lfs store here in town happened to have it left over from the one they built a couple yrs ago and just happend to fit my dimension ill be sure to call and ask tomorrow and post up what it is.......it has been up and running almost a yr now with out any issues.......i will also post more close up shot and so on and so forth with time to come, had a minor hair algae out break while i was on vacation.