Looking for a fox face


I got a fox face for my birthday. My sister bought it for me from this website but we had to spend the minimum order just to get the one thing I wanted. Well unlucky for me it is missing and no where to be found for two weeks now and I am bitter. I really want another one, can you help?
I'll pay for shipping to 80013.


What about your LFS? Even if they don't carry one at the time you go, you can usually request that they order one for their next shipment. That would save you on shipping too.


I actually have a very healthy foxface. I just picked him/her up a week ago but I'm in the process of downgrading to a nano tank. I paid 40$ for him. Thing is is that I've never shipped a live animal before so I dont know how hard/expensive it will be to ship. I have pics on it I can email. Let me know. ~ Gary