Looking for a goby


I just lost a golden headed goby. My wife wants me to get another but I want something with more color. I definetly want a sand sifting goby. Anyone have suggestions?


My sandsifting goby had zero color, looks just like the sand. But, it's extremely animated. A real worker bee.


Active Member
i have a diamond goby who has actually changed colors.
Also have a bar goby. Very pretty in color. The pics I have seen do not do them any justice. Bluish green and has a purplish fin


Active Member
i guess you could call it sifting, it looks more like grabbing it and spitting it back out.
The bar goby doesn't do anything


Active Member
Just so most know, most sand sifting gobies will starve over time unless you have a large, very healthy sand bed with lots of critter life for them to eat and possiblely a refugium to replace them as they get ate..


Well, I know when I get one he is going to have a big job ahead of him. I gotta watchman goby only to find out he doesn't do the sand. My lfs said all gobies are pretty good sand sifters. boo on them!


Originally Posted by sawsman
a Diamond goby.
second that..i have one..fun to watch..white and orange..mine covered a rock with sand..i cleared the sand..he got attitude and picked a large shell up an thru it at me..looked at me as if to say...mine..mine...mine