Looking for a hobby!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Those are real close to me! My grandpa is into guns and lives on a farm. Might need to make a call

A safety course is a must. Local ranges usually offer them. (especially since you live in Ohio, which tends to be gun friendly) The NRA offers safety courses. I'm sure that if you conact them they will set you up with an instructor and a class.
I push safety very hard when talking guns and will help any way I can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Why the "ugh"??? Are they evil?
I try, so very hard, not to get into politics, on this board or any other, b/c pple can be volatile and ridiculous. I won't go into exactly why I'm not a member of that particular organization - but I will say that their website is a lot of fun and they absolutely have the right idea.... mostly.
I prefer not to become a member of any organization scrutinized by, for lack of a better word, "The Man." I like my privacy, I like my anonymity, and I like to keep monkeys off my back.
that being said, here Matt, have ur thread back

I much prefer long guns (rifles, shotguns etc) to handguns. I find it more cathartic, more meditative, and plain and simply just more fun. Trap and Skeet are uber fun and challenging. I strongly suggest giving it a go!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by Mimzy
I try, so very hard, not to get into politics, on this board or any other, b/c pple can be volatile and ridiculous. I won't go into exactly why I'm not a member of that particular organization - but I will say that their website is a lot of fun and they absolutely have the right idea.... mostly.
I prefer not to become a member of any organization scrutinized by, for lack of a better word, "The Man." I like my privacy, I like my anonymity, and I like to keep monkeys off my back.

that being said, here Matt, have ur thread back

I much prefer long guns (rifles, shotguns etc) to handguns. I find it more cathartic, more meditative, and plain and simply just more fun. Trap and Skeet are uber fun and challenging. I strongly suggest giving it a go!!
Space Ghost is down with that! And when (I mean if) big brother does come a knockin' you can bet your boots JPFO will be at the top of their list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Space Ghost is down with that! And when (I mean if) big brother does come a knockin' you can bet your boots JPFO will be at the top of their list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Dude. don't go pointing fingers. bad form!

I thought everyone knew, sorry. I mean, you can only spell God G-d so many times before someone catches on. I had no idea that it was still not OK to address Jewish people as such. People point at me and call me a Jesus Freak. I kinda like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Some what. Just dont know much about them. Never really been crazy about cars.
That's why I ask. There's so many different ways to go. If you're into audio stuff, you could easily begin building your sound system, or into performance, find out which type you like, drag, drift, auto cross, road race, off-road, jeep, etc. Or even if you don't want to play around with mods and stuff, and just want a "nice"/new car, start putting some money away for it.
Or if a bucket of rust will get you from point a to point b, that's fine too.


Active Member
get a video camera and some editing software and make a documentary of youre life... or something.