Originally Posted by
Why the "ugh"??? Are they evil?
I try, so very hard, not to get into politics, on this board or any other, b/c pple can be volatile and ridiculous. I won't go into exactly why I'm not a member of that particular organization - but I will say that their website is a lot of fun and they absolutely have the right idea.... mostly.
I prefer not to become a member of any organization scrutinized by, for lack of a better word, "The Man." I like my privacy, I like my anonymity, and I like to keep monkeys off my back.
that being said, here Matt, have ur thread back
I much prefer long guns (rifles, shotguns etc) to handguns. I find it more cathartic, more meditative, and plain and simply just more fun. Trap and Skeet are uber fun and challenging. I strongly suggest giving it a go!!