Beth, you looking to sell your old camera??
I'm looking for a cheap digital camera just for my tank
my email: jesse7876 at
(sorry to go off the subject)
Originally posted by PBLRDom
if you are still looking for a camera i would suggest the konica minolta z2 or z3.
i have both.
thay are amazing pieces of equipment!!!
Can you post up some examples?
i know little about photography but have u considered an SLR digital camera. i was considering it for a 21st present. they are very good but expensive. i dont know wat they cost in America but here they are around $2000 so if the Canon G6 is around $700 American then u maybe better off getting a SLR. It may be a few hundred more but it should last u a life time. If u ever need to upgrade anythin its the lenses and thats when u get in to some really good effects.
hope this help, chao.
I'm afraid for $2000, I could really do some magical stuff to my tank, so that would be too much for me.
Would love to see some photos of a $2000-ner, though!
the digital rebel is going for less than that.....isn't it?
Beth, the one thing I did learn in my digital switch over is that you really don't need more than 4 mega pix. Unless of course you plan on enlarging your reef pictures to wall murals.
BTW that was $2000 Austrlian so i was thinkin u maybe able to pick one up for around $1000 in America. i know its alot of money but u could use it for more than just ur tank and is only a little more than the Canon G6.
IMHO Its what i would do cause u will get so much more use from it u should cheak out some local camera store. i find that they are extreamly helpful and more honest that u would expect. they really try to give u what u want not wat costs the most. But that may just be the case here.
hope u get excatly wat ur lookin 4 :happyfish
OK, a few shots with the old 2.0. Just can't get the clarity with this little piece, as you can see in these pics, but it certainly was a good beginner camera.