Looking for a new fish


Active Member
Well I upgraded my tank to a 58 gallon and was wanting some fish ideas. I have a coral beauty, Yellow Tail blue damsel, and a Yellow clown goby. I want a very colorful fish that fits my tank and gets along with the other fish. Thanks :D


Active Member
royal gramma
bangaii cardinals
sixline wrasse
flame hawkfish, got anything in your tank it would eat?


Active Member
Yeah I was thinking maybe a pair of ocellaris. Anyone else with some fish recomendations? I had a clown but he got stuck in the powerhead. I really felt bad.


I don't know how much LR you have or how long your previous set up was up for, but I just added a Green Mandiran Dragonet goby. But they need established LR with pods to eat. He is by far the most amazing fish. will add a couple of pics, still haven't got a clear pic.


this is from a site, but shows colors better. I think they are very resonable $$ and you get a ton of color and personality.


waterfaller thanks for the info, I had been calling him a him, but didn't know for sure. thinking about calling him Mr. WOW. that;s what people say when they see him lol


Active Member
actually my damsel isnt very aggressive but I wouldnt keep such a peaceful fish as a mandarin. Any good schooling fish besides the chromis I could keep??
How bout a fire fish goby. They have good deals on them here. I have one, and am nothing but happy about him. Real nice fish. Kinda want to get another, but don't know if they would get along together.
Heres a photo from there site. I think they still have the images blocked, so you might have to click....

*:yes:admins, nice right click blocker:yes:*


Active Member
My mother is doing the buying, lol, and she thinks that fish, well lets just say she doesnt think its the prettiest in the sea. I asked her why and she said it's shape? I don't know but I thank you for your help. I really appreaciate it.:happyfish