Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...


I have a Sea Clone Skimmer...works great with minimal maintenance but its LOUD! Anyone have any ideas on a quiet, yet efficient skimmer?? What do you Prism users out there have to say?


...except for mine.....and a few others that CarGuy has no experience with!
Enough of that crap, CarGuy! People here don't like to read answers like that....your non-specific answers do NOT help anyone - especially new people.


I agree with you Johnnysalt, I'm no idiot Carguy I know they all make noise, thats why I asked about QUIETER skimmers not SILENT skimmers.
At any rate, what kind do you have Johnnysalt?


New Member
I got tired of hearing my skimmer gurgle too so I put it on a timer and only run it from 12:00am till 8:00am. That way I dont have to listen to it. I have a 125 FO so I do not see a whole lot of waste.
I think IMO the quietest skimmer I have ever had is my urchin pro from AquaC it is soo quiet. I even upgraded from a crappy ass rio 1400 to a nice new Mag Drive 500 and it is now even making more foam with even less noise.(I think the noise was from mostly the Rio)