looking for a really cool RED reefsafe fish?


Active Member
Flame Angel is a good call...Also how about Flame Hawkfish, very entertaining fish, they are iffy with shrimp when they get bigger, but otherwise reefsafe.


Active Member
agreeing with the top two, but also look into wrasses, there a bunch of very bright red and mixed red versions. 100% reef safe too. off the top of my head, the hawaiian flame wrasse is the brightest , reddest one.


you think i could keep some wrasses in along with my mandarin? I was under the impression that alot of them eat pods as well and I don't want to starve the mandarin. I do have a 40 gal sump/fuge with chateo too. You think i'd be alright housing a few without depleting my pods?
thanks, i'll look into them


Active Member
should be no problem at all. i just would not get a sand sifting goby to compete as well. or sand shifting starfish.


Active Member
Wrasses such as sixlines and leopards will compete with the mandarin for pods. The flashers, fairies, etc really don't cruise the rocks looking for pods. Those should be fine with a mandarin.
There are also some fish with some red, like the Swissguard Basslet, radiant wrasse, etc.
But IMO, the best red fish has to be a Cuban Hogfish. He's reef safe, minus shrimp, and would fit well in a 125gal.