Looking for a yellow colored reef safe fish (no Tangs)


Active Member
I want to put some more color in my reef tank as far as fish are concerned. I have a 55 tall tank, so a yellow tang is out of the question. I have a tomato clown, royal gramma, sixline wrasse, and will eventually add a mandarin. What are my options? I don't want anything that will disrupt my tankmates? Anybody have experience with a yellow/golden damsel?


Active Member
Had one. It picks at everything. It actually killed a long tenticle anenome! I watched him do it, but could not get him out in time.


get small yellow tang. i also have a 55 gallon takn and have yellow tang, 2 damsel, mandarin, and fire fish

salty rick

I have had a yellow tang in my 55 for two years and it has flourished with no problems. He was as big as a half dollar when I got him and now it is about 3.5 inches in length.


I have a Canary Blenny, and he is the most comical of all my fish, its amazing the places he finds to perch, and where he sleeps...I just love him..GL
~Susie :rolleyes:


Active Member
Although small, a yellow clown gobie makes an interesting fish, I have one in my 55 and hes cool where ever he pops up ;)
I have a midas blenny and love it. It is not as brightly colored as some other fish but you might try the canary blenny (which comes in shades of green as well as yellow).


I agree with jwtrojan the two spot hogfish is beautiful. It looks a little like the yellow coors wrasse but as it grows it get's a kind of peach stripe down the middle. I just bought one today with a four line wrasse. I never knew a hogfish would be reef safe,but the guy at the lfs(who is actually pretty knowledgable) was telling me that he doesn't understand why they aren't more popular but people just assume that because they are a hogfish that they won't be reefsafe. He told me that they may go after a small shrimp but overall they are very peacefull.(wish me luck:nervous: )


Active Member
So Rich, its been 2.5 years since you started this thread, how bout telling us what fish you bought


Is there a timelimit on threads? That's why the search is so great,you can look up a topic that you need info. on and respond or just take the info. There are probably hundreds of threads on "what fish should I get?" or "What is this purple stuff growing on my rocks/glass?" While we may have all seen them numerous times they are obviously still important questions to some people. This is the first post I found on the two-spot hogfish so I brought it back up.


Active Member

Originally posted by jja
Is there a timelimit on threads?

Not that I know of...It would kind of defeat the purpose of the search button if there was a time limit. These fourms haven't been around long enough for the info to change that much.


Yellow Anthias and Blue Eyed Anthias get my vote! I love them.


Active Member
So Rich, its been 2.5 years since you started this thread, how bout telling us what fish you bought

I normaly look at the date, but, not this time.:confused: