Ok, mabe I should explain a little further, I have fish in my DT's that are perfectly healthy and happy. I am saying that in past years, I have not had the best luck at adding fish to the DT, which has led me to refrain from adding much at all. So I am asking advice on what methods people have used, not only when quarantened but the stay in quarantene and the move to the DT.
Water perameters are: Temp 77.8', No Amonia, Nirtites or Nitrates, PH 8.5, Calc. 400, Alk 9.
Originally Posted by
BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381682/looking-for-advice-on-adding-new-fish#post_3325947
Firstly, you shouldn't be quaratining that many fish at one time. I prefer to QT fish one at a time, unless it is a group of schooling fish such as Anthias or a pair such as a male and female clownfish.
This is a fully established 20g QT with live rock, for added bio load as well as a small refugium. I really don't think this is a problem. And all fish are eating and thriving. Also, the majority of these fish are small, with the yellow Tang being the largest @ 3"
When you drip acclimate, do you make sure that the temperature is the same?
Yes,when I drip, I put a heating pad under the bucket with a towel or two between to make the temperature as close as possible. All my tanks are kept between 76-78 degrees.
I know you mention that your parameters are in line, but what are they exactly and how old are your test kits?
Temp 77.8', No Amonia, Nirtites or Nitrates, Phos 0, PH 8.5, Calc. 400, Alk 9. Kits are less than a year old.
You've had ich in your tank in the past, how long do you leave the tank fishless before attemtping to put in new fish?
As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I have fish in the tanks currently that are perfectly happy and healthy and it has been 6 months since I have had any ick problems that came with the addition of a new fish. This occured when I tried to introduce a tang to the 120gDT.
Is ich the only problem you've had in the past?
IMO and IME, 2 weeks is not long enough time to QT a fish, especially if multiple fish are in the QT at once. A much more acceptable time frame is 6-8 weeks. It takes 6-8 weeks to rule out Ich and other parasites that a fish may have, ich can hide for 2 weeks and then show up in the DT once the fish becomes stressed in its new environment.
Do you just leave your fish in the QT and observe them, or do you use the hypo salinity method while they are in the QT?
The fish are in the 20g Quaratene with a UV Sterilizer. I have never used the "hypo method". Should I?