Looking for advice...


New Member
Okay I inherited a tank and I thought the person I got it from knew what they were doing, but after reading a lot of info here I am not sure anymore. This is what I have, a 72 bowfront, Eheim professionel 2, aragonite substrate and as far as lighting it is a basic strip lighting for 2 different bulbs(sorry I don't know the techinally term for it) 48" I believe it is what All Glass sells with the tank. I was told to add a bunch of live rock and let the tank cycle. That is about all I know, so I am begging for some help. What should I change, or add??? I have read a lot and know basics about fish, but that's it. Please help!
also I am really enjoying this website! Very informative!


You're on the right track... go to the top of this forum and start with the "list of useful threads" when you find something you want to know more about use the search engine. If you have specific questions post them here and you'll get answers. There is no learning curve here just one long long straightaway. Enjoy and be patient