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I am looking for advice on a good clean up crew. I have a 55 gallon that I plan on hauseing fish live rock and soft corals. What would be a good crew? Name the species and how many of each.
what i wouldnt do is get hermits of any kind, they eat snails! or urchins they eat coraline algae.
for a 55 i would go with 4 Nass. snails, 10 margarita's snails, 5 mexican turbo's and 10 or so astria or turbos. the combo of these snails will do a good job on algae and detrius material. then i would get 3 peppermint shrimp and one cleaner. the PP will take care of any aptasia and the cleaner is the best invert in the hobby. not because of their parasitic abilities which is questioned but there personalities. next i would add 1 to 3 emerald crabs depending on the amount of LR and algae. then i would add 1 unusual invert maybe a coral banded shrimp, a sand sifting star or brittle star or sally lightfoot, some kind of nudibranch, slug, fire shrimp, etc.
55's should NOT house any tangs, lg angels, eels, triggers, groupers, etc. going with small hardy fish like chromis, anthias, dwarf angels, reef safe wrasses(6 line) Clowns! etc and combining it with some interesting corals and your CUC and you'll have a very nice, interesting and healthy tank. good luck!