Looking for Frag Packages


Hey guys, I was wondering if anybody would be willing to put together a package of 4-5 frags for me.. Just let me know what you got and the price.. Also I live in WI if there are any locals willing to frag out pieces.. Thanks


if ripped off doesn't work something out with you. I can put something together for you. What type of lighting do you have?
I would recommend joining the reef club in madison. It is an hours drive, but it is worth it for the trading that goes on. I joined a local club and they had a frag swap this past saturday. There were a lot to choose from.


I have a 260w pc with 12k daylight and actinic lighting.. What kind of package could you do for me??


green w/some yellow star polyps...the last one...not sure...think it is called eachle eye...that one glows under actinic.


I didn't think that far ahead!! I paid $10.00-$25.00/frag...$5.00/frag sounds good. As you can see growing good!! I can send you some in a thermose with 2-3 day priority shipping. Just send the thermose back in the mail or I can buy one for you to keep. You can exchange frags this way. A shipping charge of $7.70 plus packing(if needed). I can sell you the anemone in the first picture too...I don't want it. I have a small mushroom, but want to waite for it to grow out for a frag for you. It is purple/with blue/green dots. Looks striped at night time, when restricted.


hey ray, on the picture of yellow under actinic, what is that coral underneath of the polyps? I have something like that and the coral itself doesn't really want to come out.


galaxea. They don't stick out too far. Make sure it doesn't have a bug eating off of it. Under the matt of coral. These worms ate underneath the coral, where I couldn't tell it was dying. I had some nice bristles that came with that coral...just now starting to get rid of em. They ate half of my corals...what a nitemare. People say they are good, but these guys were bad!!!


I happened to see one crawl out from underneath. You can try a coral disinfectant. They are iodine based, and helps in these types of situations. They will need good circulation and light. Do the dip every couple days, or every day...follow the directions on the bottle.
I will see what I can do...I will have to frag them out first. Give me a couple weeks to grow them out some more...


Hey amazing... $5 a frag sounds good to me.. Will they all survive in a 2-3 day shipping?? Also how much would a thermos cost me and maybe a total for everything.. frags, thermos, shipping.. Do you have paypal??


Hey amazing... $5 a frag sounds good to me.. Will they all survive in a 2-3 day shipping?? Also how much would a thermos cost me and maybe a total for everything.. frags, thermos, shipping.. Do you have paypal??


I will try the dollar store, as they are probably cheaper there. I will send you the reciept. I will see what I can frag out for you...give me about a week to get some to spread, unless you want me to see what I can send to you. I fragged some out, but want them to take to the rock. I will cut the frags and leave them float freely in the thermos. You will have to mount them yourself. I will try to let you know tomorrow. Paypal: :yes: