looking for frags



Originally Posted by carshark
my goodness give it up, its not allowed, this site does sell corals, and that is the rules. Id hate to see you when you were in school....I dont believe the topic was up for debate, drop it!
Now Reef, the comment about school was offensive.
Just messin


Active Member
If you have a problem with other posts just report them and they will be taken can of. If you have a problem with me you can report that also... until then there is no reason to throw a fit.


LOL you're killing me....

Can you see the laughing smiley? See where I wrote "just messin"
Lighten up and enjoy life my friend. We are only here a short time.


Just curious why you keep deleting the posts where I'm trying to smooth this over?
Seems interesting......


Active Member
Look...lets just chalk this up to the limitations of the boards, meaning it is not always easy to tell what people mean. You can call someone "my friend" and in your mind it is meant to be nice and calming but the person reading it can take it to be negative and insulting. When someone posts that such and such is the rule, and people come back and imply it is not being enforced, that can be seen in a bad light (as in playing favoritism). Understand that we "sharks" are out here at our NORMAL jobs trying to enforce this...things get by or aren't acted on immediately but we do our best. Its a volunteer thing.
When it is clear a post is taken in the wrong way, it is important not to go on but to just say something like "this was a misunderstanding, I understand the rules and have no problems with it, sorry
" and be done with it. Further attempts to "explain" can lead to escalation, even if totally unintended.
I think that is probably what happened here and I would be unfortunate if it continued on over something so insignificant :(


The Classified Forum is "A forum for members to sell their used aquarium supplies."
Buying or selling corals is not allowed. Selling non-aquarium items is not allowed.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Look...lets just chalk this up to the limitations of the boards, meaning it is not always easy to tell what people mean. You can call someone "my friend" and in your mind it is meant to be nice and calming but the person reading it can take it to be negative and insulting. When someone posts that such and such is the rule, and people come back and imply it is not being enforced, that can be seen in a bad light (as in playing favoritism). Understand that we "sharks" are out here at our NORMAL jobs trying to enforce this...things get by or aren't acted on immediately but we do our best. Its a volunteer thing.
When it is clear a post is taken in the wrong way, it is important not to go on but to just say something like "this was a misunderstanding, I understand the rules and have no problems with it, sorry
" and be done with it. Further attempts to "explain" can lead to escalation, even if totally unintended.
I think that is probably what happened here and I would be unfortunate if it continued on over something so insignificant :(
I couldn't agree with you more.
The shoe does in fact go on the other foot as well. Not only should I say that I didn't mean it that way, but the other person should try to be understanding.
So I'll try this again.....
Reefnut....One final time. I did not mean anything offensive to you. I am not, and was not upset because we can't buy coral frags on here. I am new on here and did not know of such a rule. I have sent three messages where I was trying to smooth things over but they disappeared from the forum.


Originally Posted by popnfrresh
The Classified Forum is "A forum for members to sell their used aquarium supplies."
Buying or selling corals is not allowed. Selling non-aquarium items is not allowed.

Thanks.....I didn't know that....

Just playin.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by yetti
The shoe does in fact go on the other foot as well. Not only should I say that I didn't mean it that way, but the other person should try to be understanding.
..... I have sent three messages where I was trying to smooth things over but they disappeared from the forum.
This may not help tho. You are the only one who knows if you were intent on being offensive or not. I don't think you intended to be, but personally I would be annoyed with the comment "the forum police should read around." But regardless, the other person took it to be offensive and pointed that out.
At which point this should have been the last post:
"That's the rules and it's cool. I'm new on here and didn't know that. Now I do and I have no problem with it."
My advice in the future is to clarify that there was no ill will and drop it quickly. You did it with this post but carried it on. Whether you feel you need to apologize or not, just a "hey sorry for the misunderstanding" and leave it at that. No further clarification. Believe me. You can control the situation whether the other person is understanding or not. Just like you wish to keep clarifying this...if they felt you were offensive they may keep going to and it will escalate. Here, your last line again accuses ReefNut of deleting posts unecessarily to make his point. Definitely can be seen as offensive, and kinda defeats any apology.
These don't get anywhere. I've seen it alot. You'll see it a lot. Not uncommon in these forums. But if you read back in any of the threads it happens in there is always a point where one person should have, could have just calmly said "hey, sorry" and ended it. Its just a misunderstanding so lets just leave it and go talk fish


Active Member
So I can or can't buy frags here?
No, just kidding. The "Sharks" do a wonderful job on here and this a wonderful forum. I'm very appreciative for all the help that I have recieved. All us newbies make mistakes. I've been corrected once, Ok twice.


Active Member
To quote mega eighties group "Human League"
I'm only human, of flesh and blood I'm made, Human, born to make mistakes"
Not just newbies. Just like we miss many posts that should be deleted.


just get rid of all who oppose the board or who think there friggen funny by still posting when they know they arent going to be able to buy or sell corals on here. i tell you stupid people shouldn't breed. Your not going to smooth stuff over the people on this forum are set in there ways it aint gonna happen just let the thread die.


New Member
WOWi seen the post number and then only reefnut with an actually meaniful post what a hijacked post :notsure:
well anyways reefnut thanks for the reply right now i just have toastool leathers i will assume you probably already have that stuff ?? but i just got a bigger better tank with lighting to handle leather mushroom and zoos for right now i dont want to get into high light coral until i upgrade in a month or two. so if your are willing to part with anything or actually wouldnt mind a leather ? anyways just let me know and again thanks for the reply


Active Member
Originally Posted by flame82
anyways just let me know and again thanks for the reply
Your welcome flame82. I already have a few different leathers... sense this thread is toast, re-post in the trading forum and maybe someone will want to trade??