looking for help with first tank + info what they wish they didin there first set up


ok i have a 30 gal tank with a bio wheel with a porcupin puffer(4 in and i know he will need a bigger tank some day).
I usto use a undergravle but i here alot of bad things about them so im getting rid of it. im going to get about 10lb of live rock.
I also have a slight algie bloom problem.
from this point were do i go to help my tank i have no place to make a refrigerium/slum(maybe miss spelled). were can i go from here for long lasting health in my tank? as well as ways to get rid of algie and make a great home for my puffer.
p.s. will my puffer eat live rock? and is all live rock the same?


Active Member
yes the porc will need a much larger tank than what he is in now.
glad to hear you are getting rid of the undergravel filter.
what kind and color is the algae. make sure your tank is not getting direct sunlight. your bulbs may ned to be changed if the are old. you can reduce the amount of time the lights are on for. you should also check your nitrate and phosphate levels to see where they are at and the addition of a small powerhead may also help. make sure you don't over feed your fish
pufers have been know to bits on rock and or corals in the wild to help keep the teeth filed down. as they get older the puffers teeth fuse together to make what looks like a birds beak. make sure you feed your puffer something with a shell...like snails. as for the live rock..they can defer from anything like looks, texture, density, and amount of living critters and sponges growing on them.


thank you very much now some one told me to get a protein skimmer is that a good idea?
as well as a uv sytisizer(spelled wrong)
and its free green algae(green water) in my tank.


protine skimmers are very good they take out alot of junk in the water and can realy help clean up your water and i would recomend getting a hang on back refugium there about as big as hang on back filters just refiugiums


Active Member
you can buy protien skimmer right off this site and the coralife super skimmers are good. (good price too I paid almost double the price listed on this site at a LFS)
you dont need a UV sterilizer. they kill benificial bacteria as well as bad stuff.