Looking for input


Hi all, fisrt time i've posetd on here, but have been on the site for about 3 months. I have a 75G Tall, 150 seaclone, 303 Fluval, and am in the process of setting up a sump/fuge system. Also just set up a 400w 14K MH for the tank. I have a few quesion's actually so bear with me. First of all currently in the tank I have a pair of false percs, a coral beauty, Midas Blenny, and a Y Watchman Goby. I had a Royal gramma and Yellow headed Jaw fish who recently passed away from ICK (first time in 2yrs of fish keeping i've ever had it!!). I also had a sixline who vanished before the ick and was never found, then after the ick was clear for about 3 wks i bought another who was great for 2 day, and again just vanished. Any idea's on what would be stealing him?? Second thing, Any idea's for new stock?? I want a new Jaw Fish, and eventually (in another year..) get a mandarin. My GF really like colorful and active fish, how about some good ideas!!
What is an ideal temp for a tank, mine usually runs about 82-84. my ph is close to 8.2, Nitrates 0 nitrites 0 AM like 0.1. Tank is up and running for about 6 months. just recently bought a Sabae anen and a purple leather coral. Coraline is up and blooming...anything else you all need to know? Thanks for any/all help and sugestions. Mostky interested in stocking ideas!!!