Looking for inspiration


I am looking for inspiration and information on starting a proper reef aquarium. I am hoping that someone can post pictures for the inspiration part. Thats why I'm in the photography section. I am looking for information on proper, crisp lighting; testing equipement and additives and what to do about sumps. I have a 75 gal with limited storage space below. I am currently running off of a simple out-of-tank carbon filter and protein skimmer with one small bubble stone and a large bubble stone running the lenght of the rear of the tank. I wont lie, my set up is basic and primitive
My stock is also very small...
1 percula clown-2in
1 scopus tang-3-4in
3 figi devil damsel-1-2in


Any takers, this is the time to strut your stuff.

Also i am open to discussion on anything helpful :help:
If my camera was charged i would take pics


Heres some resent pictures of my tank I posted a few days ago (https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show....php?t=216721). My best advice would be to check out the Archives and FAQ forum and start reading. Theres also a great book called the Conscientious Marine Aquarist that should be available at your LFS. Its packed full of everything you need to know to get a proper tank going. Once your done all that reading just ask any questions and we'll try our best to answer them. If you have any questions about the specifics of my tank you're more than welcome to ask.


Thank you Tim I have been reading around the forum for about a month now and am at times alittle confused by some of the lingo used.

Also, I dont know if it is possible to use a simple filter that just hangs onto the side of the tank. It doesnt seem as effective or practical. I am alittle new but still know my way around some of the subjects. Basic stuff, nothing complicated.


Active Member
this is my 75G as it stands as of today however I will post more pics when I get my new zoos, montipora, and yumas



Active Member
Ok, I'll play...
I have 2 pics that I would like to post. Both pretty recent...the only thing is that I have very, VERY recently lost my beautiful little devil's hand leather and I've done a little rearranging of other things...but this is what mine was...more updated pics soon, I hope...Almost forgot, mine's only a 37gal.
Lisa :happyfish



Active Member
Originally Posted by Spectre879
I am looking for inspiration and information on starting a proper reef aquarium. I am hoping that someone can post pictures for the inspiration part. Thats why I'm in the photography section. I am looking for information on proper, crisp lighting; testing equipement and additives and what to do about sumps. I have a 75 gal with limited storage space below. I am currently running off of a simple out-of-tank carbon filter and protein skimmer with one small bubble stone and a large bubble stone running the lenght of the rear of the tank. I wont lie, my set up is basic and primitive
My stock is also very small...
1 percula clown-2in
1 scopus tang-3-4in
3 figi devil damsel-1-2in
Well, if you are looking for crisp lighting, I would look towards a power compact fixture.
Salifert makes the most accurate and reliable testing equipment, and additives all depend on what salt you are using and what you are keeping. If you are using one of the cheaper salts, like Instant Ocean or Crystal Sea, you will need to add supplements for corals. If you are using Tropic Marin or Oceanic, the additives you add to your tank are a lot less. I use Oceanic salt, and because it gives me great trace elements, a calcium of 480, and a nice magnesium level, I only use Marc Weiss' Coral Vital, Tropic Marin Iodine, and I use Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem, and Garlic Xtreme as food additives. These last four are very important, as they help keep your fish healthy by providing them with a lot of vitamins.
Sumps are not always neccessary, but they sure help. The most important things are a quality protein skimmer, at least 1 lb. per gallon of live rock, and adequate flow (provided by powerheads). Hang on the back filters work perfectly fine if you have these 3 above things.
Here is a picture of my 210, as well as my 20 gallon refuge.



Active Member
I just moved my stuff over from my 55 gallon into my new 125. With a reef, water quality is IMO one if not the most important besides lighting. By the best lighting you can afford, I would go with dual 250w Metal Halide, but not less than 175's. Again, my opinion. I have 520 w of Power Compacts on my 125 just so you know. I run 3 power heads inside and also filtered by a 150 gallon rated sump/refugium.



Beautiful aquariums. Mine is not as nearly scenic. Fake rocks and plants don't give the impression of a reef that has evolved over hundreds of years
If you want pictures, i can get them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spectre879
Beautiful aquariums. Mine is not as nearly scenic. Fake rocks and plants don't give the impression of a reef that has evolved over hundreds of years
If you want pictures, i can get them.
Hey, let's see 'em!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
i took some awsome pics that i would post but i loaded them onto my dads mac and we have dialup internet and i cant attach them any where but when i get them ill post


I do happen to use Instant Ocean. It was recommended by our LFS. You are able to alter salt brands over time correct?
BTY sorry for all the seemingly stupid questions but I am considering placing a small sump system in the stand-piece below the tank. The tank is accually kind of built into the wall.
Is it reasonable to place powerheads inside of the tank behind rocks or even in the open and run tubing out of the tank down to the sump.
Here are some pictures
I hope they work


Active Member
You need to upload the pictures from your computer by going to the "manage attachments" link at the bottom of the posting page.
I do not like Instant Ocean at all. There are a lot of problems recently with it, as a lot of people have been reporting alkalinity problems. Also, they do not give you much trace elements at all. It is okay to switch salts, I just would not make a habit of doing it because it can stress your inhabitants.
You are not asking stupid questions at all!
I am not sure what you mean with the powerheads though. You should definitely have powerheads inside your tank to create flow.


Flow? You mean flow into a filter or flow as in a current type flow?
Alkaline, really, Thats almost disgraceful to the manufacturer