Thank you for your help Lion_Crazz, every journey begins with a first step.
It's hard to compete with all of the great aquascapes that have been shown to me. It gives me something to stride for in the future. I see these forums as an priceless source of constant information and theory exchange.
Budget permitting, I hope to begin renovation within the first weeks of summer vacation. I plan to move all inhabidents into a smaller 30gal tank stored in a secluded work room while renovation takes place. The 30 gal will consist of elements such as water and gravel from the 75, as well as the plants and rocks to provide a feeling of home and a stress reducer. I also will be documenting most of it since later next year i will be using the set up to attempt to breed percs for a senior exit project. Plans have been made to hand over the fry to a LFS if the attempt succeeds. I dought it will in one years time.
Unfortunatly my camera is not reformating the photos to a reasonable size so I am unable to post photos.
It's hard to compete with all of the great aquascapes that have been shown to me. It gives me something to stride for in the future. I see these forums as an priceless source of constant information and theory exchange.
Budget permitting, I hope to begin renovation within the first weeks of summer vacation. I plan to move all inhabidents into a smaller 30gal tank stored in a secluded work room while renovation takes place. The 30 gal will consist of elements such as water and gravel from the 75, as well as the plants and rocks to provide a feeling of home and a stress reducer. I also will be documenting most of it since later next year i will be using the set up to attempt to breed percs for a senior exit project. Plans have been made to hand over the fry to a LFS if the attempt succeeds. I dought it will in one years time.
Unfortunatly my camera is not reformating the photos to a reasonable size so I am unable to post photos.