Looking for inspiration


Thank you for your help Lion_Crazz, every journey begins with a first step.
It's hard to compete with all of the great aquascapes that have been shown to me. It gives me something to stride for in the future. I see these forums as an priceless source of constant information and theory exchange.
Budget permitting, I hope to begin renovation within the first weeks of summer vacation. I plan to move all inhabidents into a smaller 30gal tank stored in a secluded work room while renovation takes place. The 30 gal will consist of elements such as water and gravel from the 75, as well as the plants and rocks to provide a feeling of home and a stress reducer. I also will be documenting most of it since later next year i will be using the set up to attempt to breed percs for a senior exit project. Plans have been made to hand over the fry to a LFS if the attempt succeeds. I dought it will in one years time.
Unfortunatly my camera is not reformating the photos to a reasonable size so I am unable to post photos.


Active Member
This is an older pic, about 2 months old...lol, but the candy cane is up by the polyp rock towards the middle of the tank. Hoping to move everything into the 38 soon.


I plan to start this weekend. School is out and I will have loads of time. We will be placeing orders for powerheads and a magnet soon as well as live rock. The elecrical will have to be reconfigured but thats not that much of a challange. I will be running off of my already used equipment (carbon filter and protein skimmer) until I am able to find a way to route a small sump into the system, there is limited space below the tank and every thing would have to be sythened out in a small pipe line. Lighting is still up to debate since I am unable to use my current lamp...it sits right on the water surface and would be to hot. A new lamb would be required. I plan to do it though. I will be doing it completely on my own with no help form my family. No offense to them but they dont have the knowledge or the patience that I do.


Ok I got the pics working now. For those of you who wanted it, you asked for it He he he
The tank itself is well established, it just doesnt have good lighting or aquascaping



The plan is this...powerheads will be placed on the lefthand side of the tank to provide flow in a linear fashion, I may connect them with pipes with holes drilled in them to spread the flow over the surface of the tank with one leading to the tank bed for ground flow. A magnet will be placed on the opposite side of the powerheads. I will keep the current penguin330 filter and seaclone skimmer with the oxygen stones as well. I will begin with about 40lbs of LR and some base rock (Lava rock) for the initial structure. New lighting and everything with lunar lights for a later project to breed percs.
Any opinions, I'm sure its flawed
, thats why I am posting it.


Active Member
i can help u shane. i took 3 years of wood shop, i think i got it figured out, i built my stand and hood


Active Member
Oh really? That would be sick. We should just hang out on the weekend sometime and we could work on it. I got 20 for you tomorrow btw


Active Member
ya. u should get pine because it is cheap, do u want a lid like mine or some other kind? what color is ur stand? thats the color u want for the hood


Active Member
Guys, this is Spectre's post. You both obviously know each other, so if you want to have a private conersation, either talk in AIM, email, the telephone, or start your own thread. It seems like wherever one of you posts, the other is soon to follow. I don't mean to be rude, but you are stealing this person's thread. Your conversation has nothing to do with Spectre's tank set-up.


Active Member
Yes, absolutely. If it is related to fish and tank set-up, put it in the "New Hobbyiest" or "Fish Discussion" forums. If it is totally unrelated to fish, put it in "The Aquarium".
Thank you very much for your understanding.


hope this helps...
12 gal nano cube dlx
tow 24 watt bulbs( 24 watt 50/50 actinic and 24 watt all actinic blue)
about 25 lbs of LR(estimated)
1 inch of live sand
-black onyx percula
-electric green harry mushroom
-pulsing xenia
-various zoos
-pink hammer coral
-green w/ pink tip hammer coral
-ricordea mushroom
-star polyps
-button polyps
-candy cane coral
-colt coral
heres my most recent shot. looks messy but hope it helps!